Volunteer Bond


5.0 Volunteer Bond Policy reflects the Volunteer Bond in its entirety. Excerpts and FAQs can be found below.

Volunteer Bond Agreement

A $400 cheque/family dated April 1 of next year is required at your YOUNGEST player’s first evaluation skate time. (Active Start players are exempt). Once the volunteer bond commitment has been met (8 hours of ASSOCIATION volunteering complete) the cheque will be destroyed. Families with players in Active Start AND other age divisions are subject to the Volunteer Bond. We encourage Active Start parents to still get involved with volunteer tasks at the association level.

It is the sole responsibility of each family to seek out approved opportunities to ensure they fulfill their volunteer bond hours.

Why do I have to put forward a Volunteer Bond?

Bow View Ringette is run almost exclusively by volunteers. As our association continues to grow, a continued commitment from our members is necessary for our association to be able to operate effectively and efficiently. The purpose of the volunteer bond is to encourage our membership to become actively involved in making our association the best it can be.

How do I find volunteer opportunities?

Opportunities are emailed to members when available. The vast majority of opportunities are during evaluations in September and in the first half of the season. Volunteers are taken on a first come first serve basis. Emails may come from age division coordinators, tournament/regional/provincial coordinators, Bow View Admin or signup.com. Please check your junk mail in case your email program thinks these emails are spam. Opportunities to earn volunteer bond hours in the second half of the season may be limited. Please ensure your volunteer hours are approved for our volunteer bond.

Why do most team roles not qualify for volunteer bond hours?

Teams require the help of every family in order to have a successful season. If most team volunteering qualified for the volunteer we would still lack volunteers at the association level. Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers and Junior Coaches are the only team roles that have been approved for earning Volunteer Bond hours at this time.

Does Esso Golden Ring Tournament (EGRT) team volunteering qualify?

No. Teams that participate in EGRT are required to provide team volunteers in order to participate. This is considered team volunteering. It does not qualify for the association volunteer bond. However, sitting on the EGRT planning committee does qualify. In addition, there may be an opportunity to volunteer at EGRT outside of required team volunteering that does qualify for the volunteer bond. These opportunities will be specifically noted as qualifying for the volunteer bond. If in doubt please email Bow View Admin to confirm if an opportunity qualifies for the volunteer bond.

Do I have to volunteer 8 hours PER player?

No. The volunteer bond requirement is 8 hours per FAMILY, however we always welcome families that are able and willing to volunteer more than the required 8 hours per family.

What if I am close to completing my 8 hours?

8 hours is the minimum requirement per family. Many of our volunteers do much more than 8 hours to help the association run smoothly. Unless there are unusual circumstances, your volunteer bond cheque will be cashed if your family does not complete the full 8 hour requirement.

What happens when my hours are complete?

Volunteer bond hours are tracked by age division coordinators and event volunteer coordinators. These hours are then turned in to Bow View Admin, who records the hours. When your hours are complete you will receive an email from Bow View Admin advising of your completion and your cheque will be destroyed. Please be patient- the tracking of hours is time consuming- it can take a few weeks after an event to receive an email.

What if I haven’t received an email and I know I completed my hours?

You are welcome to send an email to Bow View Admin to inquire about your hours. Please allow at least a few weeks after you have volunteered for your hours to be included in your total hours.

But someone on my team said those hours qualified for the bond!

Please read the approved roles list to be sure the volunteer hours qualify for the volunteer bond. Changes and updates are made every season. If the role is not listed in the volunteer bond manual and you require clarification please email Bow View Admin.


Jersey Bond


4.6 Finance Policy reflects the Jersey Bond Policy in its entirety. Additional details can be found below.

A $250 cheque/player dated April 1 of next year is required at your players first evaluation ice time. (Active Start players typically receive Timbits jerseys and are exempt from the Jersey Bond).

Jersey bonds will be destroyed when jerseys have been returned at the end of the season in the same condition they were received. Damaged or missing jerseys will have their jersey bond deposited.

When you receive your jerseys at the beginning of the season please inspect them for damage or stains. Take photos and email the Director of Equipment with any issues. Please copy your Head Coach & Manager on this email.

Game jerseys are to be worn for all games (league, exhibition and tournament). They are NOT permitted to be worn for practice etc.

Name bars are NOT permitted on Bow View jerseys. “Cs” and “As” must be stuck on with a sticker and NOT pinned or hand stitched, as to minimize damage to the jersey. No modifications to the game jerseys are permitted (e.g., hemming).

Please take care of your jerseys and help us prolong the life of jerseys. A separate bag (ie. pillow case) or compartment for the jersey to ensure it does not get snagged on velcro or cut by skate blades will help maintain its condition.

Please wash jerseys in cold water and dry on low/cool temperature or hang to dry. Do NOT use bleach or fabric softener. Unscented detergent is also preferred.